Electro Mechanical Solution
Boreas Inc. has been distributing the Samsung VRF units since 2004 through the sales organization established in 12 different countries and continuing the production and sales of central air conditioning units at the factory of 10.000 sqm production area in Istanbul since 2014.
- Air handling Unit
- Hygiene Unit
- Swimming Pool Unit
- Heat Recovery Ventilation
Air Handling Unit
BOREAS is manufactured by using components that are resistant to extreme operating conditions, are long lasting, and have world-class certifications. BOREAS units operate seamlessly and without energy losses under critical climate conditions. They offer 5th generation solutions with composite frames and Magnelis sheet metal panel alternatives. It brings its hygiene properties to a comfort air handling unit with its easily cleaned rounded internal edges and corners which do not allow the accumulation of dirt.

Hygiene Unit
It brings its hygiene properties to a comfortable air handling unit with its easily cleaned rounded internal edges and corners which do not allow the accumulation of dirt.

Swimming Pool Unit
Humidity in indoor pool areas is an element that disrupts the conditions of comfort and is detrimental to the concrete, steel, and wood sections of the building when unless it is controlled. Humidity is a component of air that needs to be controlled in closed areas.

Ecology Unit
BKS 25 – 2500 m³/h
BKS 50 – 5000 m³/h
BKS 75 – 7500 m³/h
BKS 100 – 10000 m³/h
BKS 125 – 12500 m³/h
Interior surface 0.8 mm Galvanized Sheet Steel, Electronic Powder Painted,
Exterior surface 1 mm Galvanized Sheet Steel, Electronic Powder Painted
Steel Profile Frame,
50 mm Panel Thickness with Insulation,
Stainless steel deep drain pan,
Optional Automation and Electrical Panel,
Optional Automatic Wash-Cleaning System.